In today’s era of everywhere digital communication, the security of email exchange is more important than ever. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) emphasises the importance of strong data protection and privacy standards. This regulation impacts not only enterprises in the EU, but also firms all over the world that handle EU citizens’ data. Understanding and implementing effective email security measures is critical for GDPR compliance because email is a  major means of exchanging personal data.

Email security: Understanding the basis.

The GDPR, which went into effect in May 2018, establishes guidelines to protect individuals’ personal data within the European Union. It applies to all organisations, regardless of location, that process personal data of EU residents. Personal data, as defined by GDPR, includes anything that can be used to identify an individual, such as names, email addresses, and even IP addresses.

The notion of “data protection by design and by default,” which indicates that data security should be an essential element of the creation process of new products, services, or processes, is one of the major aspects of GDPR. Email security is a vital component of this principle since emails frequently contain sensitive information that, if mishandled, might result in major privacy violations.

Due to the sensitive information, they might contain, emails are frequently the target of cyberattacks, phishing attacks, and spearfishing attack. AI is increasingly being used to increase the sophistication and effectiveness of these attack vectors. Phishing attacks, in which attackers imitate a reputable entity in order to deceive people into submitting sensitive information, are becoming more widespread. Other threats include virus, ransomware, and email interception while in transit. A breach in email security not only results in data loss, but it may also result in substantial fines under GDPR, loss of consumer trust, reputational damage, not to mention the financial cost of cost of recovering from the attack – which usually involves digital consultants, lawyers,and PR. Evene a  small scale breach can be extremely expensive.

The role of Tequila AI

Electronic Discovery

In the unfortunate event of a breach, Tequila AI would be your best partner. Our technology searches the emails for compromised emails containing personal information. Tequila AI helps businesses assess the scope of the incident by swiftly discovering these emails. This prompt action is required under GDPR, which requires firms to report data breaches within 72 hours of becoming aware of them. Companies using Tequila AI’s services can not only respond more efficiently to breaches, but also offer thorough information to European data protection authorities, potentially lessening the severity of fines and legal ramifications.

Risk Mitigation

Tequila AI also offer a risk mitigation service, where companies can actively regularly scan email accounts for high risk data enabling personnel  to be trained in  email management, and regularly monitor a companies risk level..

Tequila AI specialises in advanced email scanning technologies, performing a critical service by detecting emails containing sensitive information. This proactive method includes identifying possible threats, as well as a rapid reaction mechanism that notifies your organisation about the potential victims as soon as a breach is found.

Our solution can either produce a report, flag sensitive emails, or move them to a secure archive that requires an additional layer of security before a sensitive email can be accessed.


Integrating comprehensive email security strategies is critical in the GDPR age. To prevent high fines in the light of data breaches and comply with GDPR laws, businesses must be proactive in preserving email conversations. Organisations may preserve not only their data but also their reputation and the trust of their consumers by employing effective security policies.

The services provided by Tequila AI enable businesses to set more stringent data retention policies. Companies can more effectively manage their data retention schedules by identifying and categorising emails containing personal data, ensuring that information is not held for longer than necessary. This proactive data management is an important component of GDPR compliance, indicating a commitment to safe data handling. In essence, Tequila AI’s approach to email security serves as a blueprint for businesses looking to improve their GDPR compliance data protection policies.